Play Areas to Re-open

Published: 03 July 2020


Following the Government’s relaxation of rules, the play areas in the village will be re-open on Saturday 4 July 2020. The impact of COVID-19 does mean that care is still required by users, parents, guardians and others.

Social distancing requirements still apply.



We advise:

· Self-cleaning of equipment by users, parents, guardians and carers, particularly where there are clear touch points such as spring rockers, multi-play, basket swing, slides and swings, especially handles and bars. Wipe down of benches before and after use.

· Users (or parents of users) not to touch their faces, and to cough or sneeze into a tissue or arm when a tissue is not available.

· Adults and children not to put their mouths on to equipment or their hands in their mouths.

· If necessary limit the number of users on equipment to maintain social distancing and consider returning when it is less busy


We encourage:

· Users, parents, guardians and carers to bring hand sanitiser gel and / or wipes to clean their children’s hands.

· Good hand hygiene, particularly at the beginning and end of play.


The Parish Council will continue regular rubbish collection, bin emptying and regular checks of the Play Area and equipment.