Lecture Programme 2024
All events are held at the Parish Council Community Centre, Bell Lane, Ackworth, starting at 7:30pm.
January 25th
February 29th
March 28th
April 25th
May 30th
June 15th
September 26th
October 24th
November 14th (AGM 7pm)
December 12th
"Fish and Ships"
"Crime and Punishment"
"Yorkshire Matters"
"Post Office History"
"Yorkshire Coalfield Kinsley Lockout"
Trip to Northampton
"Gateways to the Past"
"History of Painting"
"Tha's Got to Laugh"
Helen Cox
Eric Jackson
Rod Dimbleby
John Lyte
Christine Leveridge
Janet Niepokojczycka
Charles Lubelsky
Ben Richardson